Brushing……the real life battle of parenting

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Brushing……the real life battle of parenting

Brushing……the real life battle of parenting

With the start of winter, it is a great time to think about your child’s oral health. Most people don’t realize that cavities are the most common chronic disease of childhood in the United States – and it is preventable. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends your child to be seen by a dental provider by the age 1 and then at 6 month intervals thereafter. Schedule them with a local provider to keep their teeth healthy for a lifetime.

As a parent and dentist, the battle is real for brushing even in our house. We have all the products in our house, but still I have to supervise my children with their brushing. So, my advice is simple: don’t feel defeated even if you have some battles with brushing. Make taking care of their teeth fun, have all your flossers in a cute jar easy for kids to reach, make a brushing reward chart, or even play a song on your phone that is 2 minutes long.

As winter hockey and ski racing start, make sure your child has a well fitting mouth guard to protect their pearly whites. They can be custom fit by your dentist, or you can find some really great options in the stores that can provide great protection. Stuff their stockings with oral health products for the holiday; everyone can use toothpaste.

One last joke: Q: Why did the deer need braces? A: He had buck teeth!

– Dr. Karen Urnise