Our COVID 19 Policy and Information

Phone: (970) 984-3333

COVID-19 Information

We are here for you, our families and our community.

You are welcome to call us and we will help you with your questions or get you the care you need.

We are taking appointments at this time.

If your child is sick with any major symptoms of COVID we will set you up with a Telehealth appointment and work through options from there. if your child needs to be seen we will schedule for an in clinic appointment.

If you would like Telehealth for other visits please ask, this option may be available to you.

We try to keep you healthy by scheduling our well care and other non-ill visits in the morning or first thing in the afternoon to protect you from sick exposures.  If you have a fever, cough or other cold symptoms we will see you in the afternoon or can offer you a telemedicine visit.

Masking is required in all parents and children over 2 if they are have COVID 19, have been exposed to COVID-19 or have symptoms of COVID-19 or other respiratory symptoms.  Please help our staff and at risk patients stay healthy!